Toronto Relationship Clinic

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Year End Reflections (Part 1): Is Your Therapist Still a Good Fit?

As we near the end of another calendar year, your therapist might initiate a conversation with you about your therapeutic relationship. They might ask questions like:

  • How has our relationship felt for you over the past year or during the time that we've been working together?

  • Do you feel seen, heard, valued, respected, affirmed, etc. in our relationship?

  • Does my style and approach still feel good for you?

  • Do our conversations still feel beneficial and supportive to you?

  • Are there things you've wanted to talk to me about that you've had a hard time bringing up?

  • Do you feel like you're able to bring your whole self to this space? Are there parts of you that you may not be bringing forward for fear of being misunderstood or rejected?

  • Do you feel like you can unmask with me?

  • Do you feel connected to your voice, power, and agency in conversations with me?

These questions serve an important purpose. They are an invitation to reflect on something clinicians call “therapeutic alliance”. Therapeutic alliance is a measure of the strength of your relationship. It refers to the collaboration and mutual trust that allows your relationship with your therapist to feel meaningful and supportive—and I might even add warm and cozy, in the best ways! Research shows that therapeutic alliance plays an important role in whether you’re able to make progress towards your goals and whether therapy is ultimately successful.

In simple terms, these questions help you and your therapist address any relational ruptures, reaffirm the strength of your connection, and continue to build a relationship that feels safe and trustworthy. Essentially, it allows for collaboratively determining whether you're still the right fit for working together.

If you work with one of our therapists here at Toronto Relationship Clinic, you will be offered the opportunity to talk through some or all of these questions in an upcoming session. And we want to hear from you how we can better support your needs and goals.

Ever grateful for the vulnerability I get to witness every day,
