New Year, No Pressure: Celebrating Small Wins Over Big Resolutions
Hi there,
So, it's January 2025, and I know many associate this time with renewal and new beginnings. However, for some of us, it can be a time of intense pressure where we feel reflective about the year past and pressure in welcoming a new year. The desire to “do better” or “be better” can often overshadow the simple joys of starting fresh.
I’ll be honest; I was that person. You know, the one who started with a list of life-changing resolutions, got frustrated by the slightest stumbles and put so much pressure on myself to constantly keep achieving more and more and more. And at the end of it all, I would simply end up burned out. Sound familiar? Many of us, especially those who were overachievers growing up or were raised in immigrant families, can put a lot of pressure on ourselves to always do more, be more, and achieve more. If you can relate to the exhaustion of trying to do it all, I want you to know that I see, hear, and welcome you.
I can feel both your energy and your exhaustion, and I'd like to help lighten some of this intense pressure. Let's start with a simple thought experiment. What if this year isn’t about becoming something or someone completely new? What if, this year, you could stop and celebrate every single win?
Made it to the gym? Win.
Packed a nourishing meal and ate it while enjoying a nice chat or your favourite TV show? Win.
Have you spent 15 minutes on a hobby? Did you go on a nerdy deep dive about something that had always intrigued you? Signed up for a course to grow professionally?
This year, I invite you to challenge the idea that “success is only measured by constant performance” or the relentless pursuit of big goals. Let’s consider a different approach that allows space for slowing down, being intentional, and showing yourself compassion along the way.
With compassion and support,